Resilience on the agenda of the Third High-Level Conference on the Lake Chad Basin

Niamey is hosting a high-level international conference on the Lake Chad Basin since 23 January 2023. Co-organized by Germany, Norway, the United Nations System (OCHA, UNDP) and Niger (host country), this two-day meeting brings together the governments of the region (Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon) as well as international donors and partners, multilateral and international organizations.

It aims to find the mechanisms for a faster return to peace and to strengthen the resilience of the people living in the Lake Chad basin, hard hit by the Boko Haram crisis and the devastating impacts of climate change. After Oslo (2017) and Berlin (2018), this Third High Level Conference on the Lake Chad Basin is part of the drive to find a common and coordinated response at the regional level to effectively address the complex multi-dimensional challenges facing the Lake Chad Basin region. A more effective approach with sufficient resources to strengthen the links between humanitarian, development, stabilization and peace efforts; and likely to avoid worsening of the crisis and the occurrence of new crises such as food insecurity, etc.