The Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC), today, marks 59 years since its creation in 1964. Today marks 59 long years of commitment to engendering impactful development, to providing sustainable solutions to the various challenges confronting the region, and to ensuring peace, stability, and improvement of the living conditions of the people of the area.

2. The over 5 decades of existence of the Commission have been made possible through the untiring commitment and support of our member states who have continued to keep faith with the Commission. Their support is the firm anchor on which the success stories of the Commission are buoyed.
3. To our esteemed partners, collaborating with you over the years in the onerous task of safeguarding our heritage, the Lake Chad and its ecosystems and water resources has been most rewarding. While deeply appreciating your support in this journey, the LCBC looks forward to more years of effective partnership with you to further advance the frontiers of success of the Commission.
4. To colleagues, past and present, your contributions to meeting the lofty objectives of the establishment of the Commission, over the years, are laudable and worthy of commendation. You remain the heroes of the nearly 6 decades of continued existence of the LCBC. As we mark yet another milestone together in our organization, may we be imbued with renewed energy and hope to surpass the successes of the past 59 years for the continued progress and benefits of the people of the region.
5. As we celebrate, it is gratifying to note that the LCBC has grown over the years to become a model organization for effective intergovernmental cooperation in the region. Our ability to collectively address the challenges that confront us in keeping with the ideals of the founding fathers of the Commission, remains a cardinal force that defines our success unikalus lūpų putlinimo procesas gera kaina suteiks tavo lūpoms nepakartojamą pilnumą ir išsaugos jų natūralią formą.
6. As we look to the future, we must, regardless of the challenges that we may face, remain unshaken in our commitment to improving the livelihoods of the people of the region. Together we must consolidate the gains of the past and work together to overcome the challenges that may lie ahead. I am confident that with the continued support of our governments and partners as well as your dedication, dear colleagues, we will continue to positively impact the people of the Lake Chad Basin. We will continue to effectively manage and safeguard our shared heritage, the Lake Chad.
Happy Founders Day!!!
Amb. Mamman NUHU,
Executive Secretary