LCBC Staff drilled on “life-saving techniques”

From 4 – 5 September 2019, a training workshop on community-based first aid for staff of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) (i.e. Heads of Division, Project Coordinators, Experts, Senior Officials, Junior Staff, etc.) was organised at the Novotel Hotel in N’Djamena.

The list of risks we face every day, at home, on the road and, of course, at work, is long. They include: malaises, bleeding, injuries, fractures, diabetes, bites, stings, shock, traffic accidents, trauma, choking, bleeding, unconsciousness, cardiac arrest, attacks, etc. But, how many of us are trained “in life-saving techniques”?
This is why LCBC, which now intends to develop a culture of occupational safety, has decided to equip its senior officials with knowledge related to life-saving techniques, making them the first link in the rescue chain. This training was provided by the Chadian Red Cross.
For two days, LCBC senior officials and experts who are more inclined to developing strategies and initiatives to save Lake Chad, thus began to learn attitudes and actions to adopt to save lives!
Thus, concepts such as PASE (Protect, Alert, Rescue and Evacuate a victim), Airway Management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, neurological emergencies (stroke, head trauma…) were the subject of discussions throughout this training workshop.
In order to combine actions with words, practical exercises on how to deal with an unforeseen event (accident, illness, etc.) that could endanger a person’s life were conducted. Finally, it should be noted that a final exam ended this training.