GIZ-LCBC Collaboration: Official handover ceremony of documents and motorcycles to LCBC

On Friday, 2 July 2021, as part of the project “Adapting to climate change in the Lake Chad Basin,” an essential batch of technical and strategic documents and a dozen motorbikes were handed over by GIZ to LCBC. The ceremony took place in the conference room of LCBC. The ceremony was chaired by the Executive Secretary of LCBC, Ambassador Mamman Nuhu. The ceremony took place on the sidelines of the launch of the “Climate Change Adaptation Measures for the 2021-2022 Agricultural Season”.
In attendance were representatives of the Ministry of Urban and Rural Hydraulics, the Ministry of Environment, Fisheries and Sustainable Development, respectively the first and second commissioners of Chad to LCBC, the GIZ Portfolio Manager in Chad, LCBC partners, as well as officials and executives of this institution responsible for the harmonious management of water resources and other environmental resources of the Lake Chad Basin.
The Executive Secretary set the ball rolling. Firstly, Amb. Mamman NUHU lauded the exemplary nature of the fruitful cooperation between the Republic of Germany and LCBC. According to the ES, the cooperation between Germany and LCBC is long, rich, and diversified. Thanks to the “Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Lake Chad Basin” programme, implemented by the German Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources (BGR) and the German Agency for International Development Cooperation (GIZ), this cooperation continues.
The Executive Secretary recalled that the Lake Chad Basin is predominantly rural, poor, and agricultural, and is today at the crossroads of climate, security, and health challenges. Among these challenges, he stressed that climate change is a priority emergency. As a cross-cutting and transboundary issue par excellence, it requires joint action at all levels of governance (local, national, regional, and global). As an environmental issue par excellence, it is also a societal issue with multiple and profound ramifications. Therefore, it underscores the importance of projects such as those implemented by the German Cooperation, which focuses on practical measures for adapting to climate change. Indeed, to support the efforts of LCBC member states in addressing these emergencies, the Republic of Germany, through the project: “Applied Water Resources Management in the Lake Chad Basin” implemented by GIZ, once again decided to strengthen the capacity of LCBC. It is in line with its mission as a regional body responsible for coordinating actions and acquiring and disseminating helpful knowledge in adaptation to climate change. The handing over this essential batch of documents and motorbikes procured as part of the “Applied Water Resources Management in the Lake Chad Basin” programme complement these initiatives. Amb. NUHU reassured the GIZ that these donations will thus contribute to capacity building in the management and knowledge of practical climate change adaptation measures and will be used in field activities.
Before concluding his remarks, the Executive Secretary did not fail to thank, on behalf of the Commission and its member states, all technical and financial partners who support LCBC. He thanked them for the efforts made to improve the resilience of the populations of the Lake Chad Basin to climate change, as well as the sustainable preservation of their living environment.
In her remarks, the Acting Portfolio Manager of GIZ Chad underscored the pivotal role played by LCBC in strengthening the capacities of actors in the region on climate change adaptation measures. The first level, she added, relates to the development of expertise and knowledge on climate change adaptation by disseminating technical and strategic documents. Secondly, the development of transboundary projects will improve and disseminate appropriate agro-silvopastoral and fishing techniques. Thirdly, all the institutions of LCBC, bodies that bring together the member states and allow for joint action. Beyond the symbolic handing over these documents and equipment to LCBC and improved seeds and small agricultural tools to local communities, this range of activities aims above all to equip the latter with knowledge on practical measures to increase their resilience to climate change. It will help this regional organisation and its member states to achieve the objectives they have committed themselves, by facilitating experience sharing and good practices between the member states and the creation of standard tools to assist in decision-making, such as the establishment of an early warning system for floods and droughts.