Adaptation to Climate Change in the Lake Chad Basin with GIZ

Around 38 million people from diverse ethnic backgrounds currently live in the Lake Chad Basin. Most of these people are from poor rural households and PROsurvive on subsistence farming. Climate change therefore has an acute impact on agriculture, cattle farming and fisheries. At the regional level, the project “Adaptation to Climate Change”, supported by the German cooperation, provides support and advisory services to the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the field structures in member countries and national ministries and actors. At the local level, the project works with women and men from agricultural producer groups and organizations in a cross-border pilot zone in Chad and Cameroon. In the pilot zone, activities are implemented in cooperation with non-governmental organizations and national specialists. Successful traditional and modern climate adaptation practices in the pilot zone are made available to the administrations, institutions and producer organizations in the entire Lake Chad Basin, as well as to member states.
Donor: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Duration: 2013 to 2018